
Print management SafeQ and Linux

If you are using print management in your company on your Windows server and Windows PC's, you may be wondering if it would work on your Linux machines too. Well, to be honest I was wondering that too. 

SafeQ from YSoft is print, copy and scan management technology designed to reduce print costs and increase workflow productivity. I don't know if it really does what it says it does but I know it bothers my colleagues very much when they have to log in to scan or copy. It's not easy to be an IT guy, you take the blame for all kind of shit. 

Anyway, let's get back to Linux. I'm using Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon and it was easy to configure SafeQ Linux client as piece of egg pie which I love. First thing first, you need to download YSoft SafeQ Client for Linux. Deb and rpm package provided. I installed the deb version by clicking on it,  both libcrafter-xx and ysoft-client-xx. After that you need to restart your computer or reload the DBUS daemon and restart the X server. 

Now it's time to add a printer or to configure your existing one. Go to http://localhost:631 in your internet browser, enter your username and password and add a new printer as a LPD. There you need to enter something like sqport://IP_of_SafeQ_Server/queue_name which in my case translates in sqport:// .

After you press continue, on the next page you enter your printer name and than you choose your printer driver. You can provide a PPD file.

Finaly you can print with the help of your SafeQ print management server. If you log in in SafeQ web interface you should see in a job list your name, of course if you added yourself earlier. If you type ysoft in a terminal and press TAB key, you can see there are three tools gnome, kde and settings. Starting ysoft-client-settings will give you the option to set how to log in when printing. I used username only. Secure and direct printing in Linux and SaveQ just works. 

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